Terms of Service

Last update: July 14 2014

General Terms

The following terms (henceforth “Terms”) regulate the use of VoiceMyMail service (henceforth “Service”) by its users (henceforth “User”, “Users”). The Service is provided by innoviù Srl, legal head office in Via Roma 139, 07036 Sennori, Italy.

Service usage is subject to the acceptance of the following Terms which apply to all the visitors, Users and everybody accessing or using the Service.

Registering and account

In order to access the service, an account is required. The account can be created by the User through the registration procedure or it can be made available by an administrator. During the registration, the User must provide detailed, truthful, complete and up-to-date information. Providing mendacious information is equivalent to a violation of the Terms and can lead to the immediate termination of the account and to the suspension of the Service.

No password is provided to access the Service. Accessing third-party email services through VoiceMyMail Service interface (for example opening personal email folders on a domain different from “…@voicemyweb.com” using VoiceMyMail) does not entail keeping or generating any password to access those services. Furthermore, there will be no other logs about the input event of the User’s log-in information to access third-party services but the ones related to the Service access for the ongoing session. Therefore, Users take full responsibility for their own login data.

Account Validation

innoviù always holds the right to refuse the Service activation at own discretion and for any appropriate reason. User’s rights are subject to the verification of registration data, which happens within 5 solar days from the submission of the registration form. The User benefits anyway from a temporary access to the Service. If the User’s data verification is unsuccessful, the User’s account will not be activated.

Privacy and personal data

Registration data and other information related to the User will be handled in accordance with VoiceMyMail Privacy Policy, which can be consulted at the following link:
https://vmm.voicemyweb.com/pages/norme_privacy_en/ .

The Service

The Service allows the Users to access their email on the servers hosted by innoviù Srl or by third party Email Service Providers. The Service must not be used improperly, namely entailing purposes different from the ones it has been conceived for, and it must not be exploited to interfere with, or to bypass, other possible Terms of Service regulating the relationship between the User and the Email Service Providers.

The Service is continuously evolving. Several functionalities could be implemented, removed or modified, in order to provide a better experience for the User. innoviù Srl has the right to modify the Service features even significantly, and the Users can choose to close their accounts at any moment.

Within the Service, contents not owned by innoviù Srl can be displayed. These contents must be considered under the exclusive property, responsibility and control of whom made them available, and the User accepts and acknowledges that innoviù Srl is not constrained to monitor or verify the contents conveyed by the Service.

The Service is provided “as is”. The User accepts any risk deriving from the Service usage and innoviù Srl does not acknowledge warranties or expressed conditions and will never be responsible for possible losses, offenses or damages to the User, caused by the Service usage.

The present Terms do not modify possible Consumers Rights or ordinances established for the User by local laws.

Changes to present Terms

The Terms regulate the relationship between innoviù Srl and the User, they do not allow for any right of any third party beneficiary.

The Terms can be modified or complemented and the User must regularly consult them. Changes are not retrospective and enter into force 15 days after their publication. Notice that possible Service changes implemented for legal reasons will immediately enter into force.